Monday, 20 April 2015

Classic Dev Mode(GWT) Will not support in Latest Chrome Browser

As per the GWT Announcements (Release note 2.6),
  •  GWT Development Mode will no longer be available for Chrome sometime in 2014, so we improved alternate ways of debugging. There are improvements to Super Dev Mode, asserts, console logging, and error messages.
  • So Lunching the Application in Chrome Newer Version with Classic Dev Mode is Disabled, because they have disabled NPAPI Plug-in in Chrome Newer Version. Now it’s time to use Super Dev Mode.
SuperDev mode as default in GWT 2.7:

The Main feature in GWT 2.7 is SuperDev mode(SDM), with Dev mode now deprecated. You use the browser’s built in debugger and don’t need to use any browser plugins. With SDM, all of your debugging happens right inside your browser, making it easier to debug mixed Java/Javascript code. If you are familiar with Super Dev Mode in 2.6, you will also notice that you no longer need any bookmarklets to enable/recompile when using Super Dev Mode, the code is recompiled automatically when you reload the page.

Other Workaround to Launch the Apps in Chrome Newer Version With Classic Dev Mode is to Enable NPAPI Flag, Follow the Below Steps
1.Open New Tab and Enter chrome://flags/#enable-npapi
2.Enable this Enable NPAPI Mac, Windows
3.Then bottom of the page click "Relunch" button.
**NPAPI  is scheduled to be removed from Chrome(version 45) in September 2015 and this workaround will be supported up to chrome 44 version only.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Interface Versus Abstract Classes

Difference Between Interface and Abstract Class:
Abstract Class
1.       If we don’t know anything about implementation just we have requirement specification, then we can use Interface
If we know partial Implementation(not full) then we can use Abstract Class.
2.       Every Method in interface is public abstract, that why interface is Pure abstract class (100%).
In addition to the abstract method Abstract class can also have Non abstract Method(concrete method).
3.       Methods in interface are public and abstract modifiers we can’t use private,protected,final,static,synchronized,native and strictfp modifiers.
There is no restriction for Methods modifiers in  Abstract class.
4.       By Implicitly, variable in interface will be public static final.
In abstract class the variable can be of any data types.
5.       Since variables in interface is public static final we can’t use as private or protected ,transient or volatile modifiers.
There is no restriction for Variable in Abstract class
6.       We should assign the value to variable at the time of declaration otherwise compiler will give error. public static final int x=3;
There is no such restriction in Abstract class.
7.       We can’t declare any instance or static method inside the interface.
Can have instance or static method inside the abstract class.
8.       We can’t have constructor inside the interface, since the variable is static
We can have constructor inside the Abstract class.
9.       Interface can extend more than one interface, Interface C extends A,B
Abstract class can extend class or Abstract class
10.   Interface Car{
public static final int x=10;
public int speed();
abstract class Engine{                                                                    public abstract void engineType(String carType);
 public String engineColor(){          return "red";                                           }

CSS Selectors

  CSS Selectors In CSS, selectors are patterns used to select the element(s) you want to style There are 3 different types of CSS selectors ...