Tuesday, 19 June 2018

ToDo Sample Application Using AngularJS

ToDo Application Using AngularJS :

Building a sample ToDo application with option to add/delete and mark it as completed using following below technologies

 Angular 1.5.8, 
 bootstrap 3.3.6,
 JAX-RS 2.0,
 EJB 3.2,Hibernate
 Mysql 8.0,
 Maven 3.0.3,
 Micro payara

For source code, download it from below github link

Payara domain configuration:
Add the below configuration

 <jdbc-connection-pool driver-classname="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" datasource-classname="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" name="MysqlPool" res-type="java.sql.Driver">
      <property name="password" value="root"></property>
      <property name="databaseName" value="ngp"></property>
      <property name="serverName" value=""></property>
      <property name="user" value="root"></property>
      <property name="portNumber" value="3306"></property>
      <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ngp?useSSL=false"></property>
 <jdbc-resource pool-name="MysqlPool" jndi-name="jdbc/todo"></jdbc-resource>
 <resource-ref ref="jdbc/todo"></resource-ref>
 Download payara micro:
 Command to Deploy on payara micro
 D:\server> java -cp "C:\Tools\MySQL\mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar;D:\server\payara-micro-" fish.payara.micro.PayaraMicro --deploy "C:\To
ols\project\todo-apps-ui\target\todo-apps-ui-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war" --domainConfig D:\server\domain.xml
Note: download  both the mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar & payara-micro- and modify the domain.xml file to add the JDBC connection pool

Mysql Database Setup:

create database ngp;
use database ngp;

create table todo_items 
name varchar(50) not null,
description varchar(200),
todo_date date, 
status varchar(20) not null);

DB Connection Details:
URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ngp
Username: root
Password: root
port :3306

CSS Selectors

  CSS Selectors In CSS, selectors are patterns used to select the element(s) you want to style There are 3 different types of CSS selectors ...